Research publications (newest to oldest)
Teaching publications/case studies
- McMinds, R., R. Jiang, S. Adapa, E. Cornelius Ruhs, R.A. Munds, J. Leiding, C.J. Downs, L.B. Martin. 2024. Bacterial sepsis triggers stronger transcriptomic responses in larger primates. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.. 10.1098/rspb/2024.0535.
- Cornelius Ruhs, E., Wan Ni Chia, Randy Foo, Alison J. Peel, Yimei Li, H. Benjamin Carman, Aaron T. Irving, Linfa Wang, C. E. Brook. 2023. Applications of PhIP-seq technology to broad serological profiling of bat reservoirs for emerging zoonoses. Frontiers in Public Health. doi: fpubh.2023.1212018.
- Anton, B., E. Cornelius Ruhs, and G. Dehnert. 2023. Elucidating the effects of acute and chronic exposure to 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) innate immunity. Aquatic Toxicology. 260(106571).
- Hofmeister, E.K., E. Cornelius Ruhs, L. Fortini, M. Hopkins, L. Jones, K. Lafferty, J. Sleeman, O. LeDee. 2022. Potential directions to manage wildlife health in climate change: Outcome of a workshop. EcoHealth. doi: 10.1007/s10393-022-01604-9.
- Martin, L.B., E. Cornelius Ruhs, S. Oakey, C.J. Downs. 2022. Leukocyte allometries in birds are not affected by captivity. Journal of Experimental Zoology - Part A. doi: 10.1002/jez.2591.
- Davidson, S. and E. Cornelius Ruhs. 2021. Understanding the dynamics of Arctic migrations in a changing world. Animal Migration 8: 56-64.
- Cornelius Ruhs E, O.P. Love, L. Drainville, and F. Vézina. 2021. No common pesticides detected in snow buntings migrating across a farmland landscape. Avian Conservation and Ecology: 16(2): 26.
- Cornelius Ruhs E*, D.J Becker*., S. Oakey, O. Ogunsina, M. Brock Fenton, N.B. Simmons, L.B. Martin, C. Downs. 2021. Body size shapes immune cell proportions in birds and terrestrial mammals, but not bats. Journal of Experimental Biology: 224(13).
- Cornelius Ruhs, E., L.B. Martin, C. Downs. The impacts of body mass on immune cell concentrations in birds. 2020. Proceedings B. 10.1098.
- Jimenez, A.G, Cornelius Ruhs E, K. Tobin†, K. Anderson† and F. Vézina. 2020. Consequences of being phenotypically mismatched with the environment: no evidence of oxidative stress in cold and warm acclimated birds facing a cold spell. Journal of Experimental Biology. 223.
- F. Vézina, Cornelius Ruhs, E., E. O’Connor, and A.G. Jimenez. 2020. Consequences of being phenotypically mismatched with the environment: rapid muscle ultrastructural changes in cold shocked black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus). American Journal of Physiology:Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 318: R274-R283.
- Cornelius Ruhs, E., F. Vézina, M. Walker and W. Karasov. 2019. Who pays the bill? The effects of increased parental workload on parental and nestling condition. Journal of Ornithology 161: 275-288.
- Cornelius Ruhs, E., D. Borden, E. Pitman and T. Dallas. 2019. Do feather traits convey information about bird condition during fall migration? The Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 131: 693-701.
- Cornelius Ruhs, E., F. Vézina and W. Karasov. 2018. Physiological and immune responses of free-living, temperate birds provided a gradient of food supplementation. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, special issue on Ecoimmunology.
- Cornelius, E.A., F. Vèzina, L. Regimbald, F. Hallot, M. Petit, O. Love and W. Karasov. 2017. Chickadees faced with unpredictable food increase fat reserves but certain components of their immune system decline. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 90(2): 190-200.
- Dallas, T. and E.A. Cornelius. 2015. Co-extinction in a host-parasite network: identifying key hosts for network stability. Nature Scientific Reports 5, 13185; doi: 10.1038/srep13185.
- Cornelius, E.A., A.K. Davis, S.M. Altizer. 2014. How important are hemoparasites to migratory songbirds? Evaluating physiological measures and infection status in three Neotropical migrants during stopover. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology.
- Owen, J.C., E.A. Cornelius, D.A. Arsnoe, and M.C. Garvin. 2013. Leukocyte response to Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis Encephalitis Virus in a wild passerine bird. Avian Diseases
- Davis, A.K. and E.A. Cornelius. 2013. Do infections lead to higher feather mite loads in birds? A test with mycoplasmal conjunctivitis in house finches. The Auk
- Davis, A.K., E.A. Cornelius and D. Cox. 2013. Tachinid parasitism in adult horned passalus beetles (Odontotaenius disjunctus) at the Wormsloe Historic Site, Savannah, GA. Journal of Entomological Science.
- Davis, A.K., and E. Cornelius Ruhs. 2019. A themed collection of research articles focused on stress physiology of bird migration. Animal Migration (not peer reviewed).
Teaching publications/case studies
- Cornelius Ruhs, E. and C.J. Downs. Case Study: A delicate balance: resource allocation, immunity and disease in birds. National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science. October 18, 2021.
In the works
- Cornelius Ruhs, E., K. McFerrin .. C.E. Brook. Rapid GIT transit time in volant vertebrates, with implications for convergence in microbiome composition. Submitted. Preprint available:
- Cornelius Ruhs, E. .. C.E. Brook. Quantifying the seasonal reproductive cycle in three species of Malagasy fruit bats with implications for pathogen and population dynamics. Submitted. Preprint available.
- Milusich, E. E., E. Cornelius Ruhs, J. Gilbert, J. Hua, and G.K. Dehnert. Accumulation of PFAS in maple sap across the Ceded Territories. Submitted.
- Riccardi, A., Fake, K. ….. E. Cornelius Ruhs. Impacts of urbanization on the physiology of American Robins (Turdus migratorus) in Chicagoland. In prep.